While browsing different websites in Google Chrome we might get some technical errors like “err_ssl_protocol_error”. As the name suggests, this error occurs when the browser is unable to establish a secure connection.

Generally, this error often disappears by simply refreshing the page. But if it will remain the same after clearing our all cache, then you can’t ignore this. Let us discuss how to fix “err_ssl_protocol_error” in chrome with different methods and techniques.


how to fix err_ssl_protocol_error

Most of the time your browser will never show any notification about getting this SSL connection error. Although you have to do a lot of troubleshooting just to find out the exact possible reason.

However, as per our research, these are the reasons that cause err_ssl_protocol_error:

  • Bad chrome extensions installed in your browser.
  • Incorrect Date And Time of your system.
  • Corrupted HOSTS files.
  • Your connection is blocked by antivirus software.
  • Un-cleared cookies and cache in your browser.
  • SSL/TLS connections are blocked by firewall applications.
  • Quic Protocol may block the connection setup.


Try these tested solutions to fix this error and re-establish a secure connection with websites.

Solution 1: Manage Your Chrome Extensions

You can first audit your Google chrome extension which may be the reason for getting an error. If you have installed several extensions then there is a possible chance to get err_ssl_protocol_error. Follow these steps to resolve this:

  1. Open your browser, click on right three vertical dots icon.
err_ssl_protocol_error angular
  1. Now, navigate towards More tools > Extensions.
  2. Remove or Disable all the extensions one after another.
  3. Click to remove the button or blue toggle icon.
  4. Refresh your browser, each you remove an extension.

If the problem gets resolved then remove the last extension that you’re disabled. Otherwise, if you see no change then switch to another solution.

Solution 2: Manage Your System Date And Time

The reason behind this is that the SSL certificate’s validity depends on the expiry date and time. If your system’s date and time are incorrect then your system may assume that the SSL certificate on the requested site has expired. To reset the system time and date:

  1. Go to the settings, select Time and Language.
err_ssl_protocol_error windows 10
  1. Then click the change button.
err_ssl_protocol_error android
  1. Change Time and Date for your system

You can also activate the toggle “set time automatically” to avoid this happen in the future.

Solution 3: Clean Your Browsing Cookies And Caches

This is the most powerful method to resolve most of the errors coming to the browsers. You can clear this by following these steps:

  1. Open your web browser; click the three-dotted icon on the upper right side.
err_ssl_protocol_error localhost chrome
  1. Then select More Tools, navigate to clear browsing data.
  2. Mark the three option shown below
err_ssl_protocol_error hostinger
  1. Then click the clear data button
  2. Reset your web browser. Close and reopen Google Chrome.

Now to reload the requested page and find whether the error gets resolved or not.

Solution 4: Clear Your System’s SSL State

To enhance performance and speed, our browser stores and download SSL certificates of websites that we had visited. Sometimes these certificates become outdated and hence, the err_ssl_protocol_error will pop up on our browser.

By changing your system’s SSL state you can fix this error.

  1. Open Control Panel from the Windows icon on your screen.
  2. Navigate To Network Sharing center and click Internet Settings.
err_ssl_protocol_error stack overflow
  1. Now click on the Content Tab and then Clear SSL State.
fix err_ssl_protocol_error
  1. The final step is to click OK and you are done here.

Now when you search for a similar website, you will get a fresh copy of its SSL Certificate.

Solution 5: Disable QUIC Protocol

QUIC stands for Quick UDP Internet Connections that enable the Chrome browser to connect easily to a secure website. To resolve the SSL error you may disable your browser’s QUIC protocol.

how to fix err_ssl_protocol_error

Copy-paste this code, chrome://flags/#enable-quic into your address bar. Disable the Experimental QUIC protocol. And relaunch the requested website.

Solution 6: Verify The SSL Validity Of Website

If you are still getting the err_ssl_protocol_error then you should verify the validity of the SSL certificate of the website. Only a valid SSL certificate will guarantee a secure connection with a web server.

For this purpose, you can use various online SSL tools to check the validity of the certificate. Just simply insert the website’s URL, and the tool will give you whole information regarding this.

Solution 7: Disable Firewall And Antivirus Temporarily

Antivirus and Firewall programs help our system to be protected from malware or harmful viruses. But yes, sometimes they restrict us from getting a secured connection with our web server. To fix this error problem, disable these antivirus programs.

  1. Open Control On your system
  2. Click on the option “System And Security”.
  3. Then Select “Windows Defender Firewall”.
  4. Navigate to Customize Settings shown below.
Err_ssl_protocol_error fix error
  1. Turn off Windows Defender Firewall.
err_ssl_protocol_error chrome

Solution 8: Download Or Reinstall Chrome Extension

There can be possible chances to have trouble with your Chrome browser. If it is not updated then this problem might come in the form of these errors.

Manage your internet connection settings and allow your chrome browser to update automatically. You can also take help from Google to download the latest version of Chrome.


From the above-discussed solutions, at least one will surely resolve your issue of how to fix “err_ssl_protocol_error” in Chrome. Try out each of them and let us know in the comment section which solution will help you to fix this problem.

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