About Us

WebTechCoupons.com About Us Updated in 2019 – By Kriti Bihani

Hello, friends, we are a group of technology-savvy peoples here to bring the best discount in the field of web technology and software. Here you will get the latest Coupons, offers, and deals, and we also bring some exclusive coupons for our users. Here we work globe, and we want to provide the best technology deals to every corner of the world. Our team is bringing new stores and discounts on a regular basis. Want to cover all product and service in a field of web technology and software.

When do we update?

Whenever we get any update on websites, through email or any other medium we make the updates in few minutes so that our users can enjoy the maximum discount. Even you can also update us about coupon through email or contact us page. You can mail us on info@localhost, and your share will be updated after verification only.

WebTechCoupons History

We purchased this domain name in November 2014 with the aim of severing Information Technology community. We started working on this and add more than 40+ stores.

Within first six months, we have worked hard on this adding new stores and getting good results. Soon we started getting the real position in the Google search engines, but there was an update in December 2015.

After that upgrade, we have to Google manual penalty which let to rethink about WebTechCoupons. We have started working on the content of the website. We have to come out of our comfort zone and make significant changes.

We have created complete content of scratch and added more value to each page of the website. We have thought what we bring extra on our website. It took two months, and after 2-3 attempts final can get off Google manual penalty.

In 2016 we came out in a new way, and now we make better content each time. We achieved some very high results In Month of July and will share what we have made in starting of 2017 for 2016.

After this, we always take the content of our website very seriously. We give time and do research to add a store with a lot of details and value-added content.

Adding Review Section

October 2016

It is great to work hard for our visitors, so we took our business one step forward. We are working on review section for both Information Technology products and services. You will see some good content starting of 2017. Also, We are going to and a lot of reviews and user overviews in 2017.

So WebTech Coupons viewer will get double benefit after the addition of the review section. We try to share best of our experience with the product and service. Hope it will help our users, and they will share their views.

December 2016 – We have upgraded to SSL so that our visitor can fell safer & secure. It is quite a risk for Our high search engine performance. But we decided to go with SSL so that our visitor have more trust on Us. We are going to do more user-friendly mesaures in coming years. We also request you to share your needs & requirements on info@localhost anytime.

Our advice to every new startup

To start with any of your website projects, give importance to your users and your content. Follow all Google guidelines which help you to create a better website and give high traffic. Do not take any shortcut, take long path will give you great search engine presence and bring glory in the feature.

What you need to success 

The one thing you need to get success is time and patience along with quality work. In fact, Google appreciates quality work and brings the best results up for your website, after you achieve trust factor.

Team is importance

A single person wins the medal, but there is a complete team which helps them to reach the goals. Same goes with the search engine optimization. You need a sound team which understand the search technology in a better way and handles the different task, will make your website win the race on the search engine.

We also ready to Help

We are available to guide all startup and people who think we can give them some good results. For any question or query just email us on info@localhost, one of our team members will reply you.

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